How To Beat Tinea (Athlete’s Foot), Naturally

Tools for the cure.

I’ve been struggling with my health this year, due to a weakened immune system from a surgery I had in the Spring.  Diseases that aren’t that bad affect me in horrible ways.  Things that don’t affect normal, healthy people trigger illness in me.

One awful thing I got lately?  Athlete’s foot…and HANDS!!!  Yes, it can happen and it’s as awful as it sounds!  This is embarrassing to admit – most people I know in real life had no idea I got it.  But I think it’s important to write this out for whoever may stumble upon it on the internet, in case what I learned may benefit them.

This is gonna be a massive product review article as well, for things relating to treating Athlete’s Foot.  Basically everything you see in the above pic; Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap, Micatin, Jojoba Oil, and Tea Tree Oil.  These are all based on my personal experience with them.

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A Productive Weekend


Say “Ahh”! I don’t know where this was going. It started off normal!

Yayy, finally got to draw more this weekend :D  Did some character designing for my sister, plus some stuff just for fun.  A coworker sent me a link to this AnatomicalArt Tumblr, where this person is posting tons of reference charts and such of illustrated body parts.  It’s no Grey’s Anatomy.  It’s not as useful as live drawing reference.  But the tips you can glean from it are pretty good, especially if you can’t quite draw the human body with your eyes closed yet, and best of all it gives motivation.  I see those pages with hands and hands and hands and think, you know?  That’s a really good idea to do a hand study.  I should do that too!  It made me think of many other weak points in my drawings, such as bare feet and SHOES!  I’d even say another one is calves; they’re asymmetrical and have this bend to it that I never quite get 100% right.  And after all that, there are other areas that could use rigorous practice, like foreshortening.

Studying the left hand.

Studying the left hand.

I didn’t have anything to draw with but mechanical pencil and some printer paper that I “found”.  As handy as an undo key can be, and as nice as it is to use Photoshop to fix my proportion mistakes, it was really nice using real material and relying only on my eye and my muse (my left hand).

The top picture (face drawing), while I didn’t know where it was going, was probably influenced by this technical demo / short animation that Quantic Dream did.  My boyfriend showed it to me today, and it’s amazing how just a few minutes and a bit of dialogue could make a viewer so infinitely sad.  Quantic Dream created Heavy Rain on PS3; they strive to make things more and more realistic and not in the creepy, Uncanny Valley way.  Ooh, and another cool thing, my boyfriend gave me Heavy Rain to keep :D  I’ve been wanting to play it for so long!

If you haven’t seen it, it’s so worth the watch.


Sketch: Big Hands

There’s a whole bunch of reviews I want to write up soon, of stuff I’ve been trying and like so far.  But it’s taking me a long time to write it all up, and gather pictures…so instead, here is a random sketch I did on the new Intuos 5 Wacom tablet my boss gave me for Christmas!

Big Hands.  DeviantArt Username: salva-nos

Big Hands. Click to see larger on my DeviantArt site.

I really want to start doing more sci-fi stuff, but don’t fully know what to draw yet.  I wanna hopefully collaborate with my boyfriend on a game in the future…he mentioned something about a sci-fi setting, but nothing has been fleshed out yet.